And the winners are…

On World Book Night, I offered the chance to win one of three life-changing books – all you had to do was leave a comment telling me why you needed the one you’d chosen. 

Well, how could I choose, really? Six great reasons why six great women needed one of these books, and in the end I decided it was easier to send their chosen book to each rather than make and justify a decision! So congratulations to: 

Joanna, Janice, Kelly and Louise, who will receive a copy of Glenda Shawley’s Founded After Forty (‘Help me fight the gremins!’ pleaded Louise, and Janice thought the subtitle – ‘How to start a business when you haven’t got time to waste’ – resonated with her own sense of urgency)

Emma (‘If ever there was a girl who needed to know how to fight fat and fatigue after 40, it is me…’) will get a copy of It’s Not You, It’s Your Hormones by Nicki Williams

and Jo, who will have her mind blown and her horizons expanded by Maria Hocking’s inspirational Strip Naked & Redress with Happiness: How to survive and thrive through personal challenge

You are all winners – I know you’ll enjoy whichever book you receive, and it might just change your life forever!