#bizbookchallenge – one day to go…

10-day Business Book Proposal ChallengeTomorrow my 10-day Business Book Proposal Challenge kicks off – over 10 days I’ll take a group of business people and would-be authors step by step through the proposal document, helping them to clarify their thinking about their book idea, target readership, competition and so on. I first ran this challenge in June ane while I knew it would be useful for people, I wasn’t prepared for just how much FUN it would be. 

The support and encouragement in the group blew me away. I’m looking forward to doing it again, there are a few changes I’m making this time round, like giving people the weekend off to catch up (or relax, depending on how they got on in the first 5 days) and doing a live video each day in the group (inspired by Karen Skidmore, whose Conversation Challenge is another brilliant challenge for business owners). 

What is it about challenges that works so well? There’s something about getting a group of like-minded people together in a common cause for a period of time like that: short enough to be really focused, long enough to get to know each other, and with just enough competition in there to spice it up (the best proposal wins a publishing deal!). We do our best work when we’re having fun. 

Bring it on. 

(if you want to join in the fun, it’s not too late…  https://alisonjones.leadpages.co/proposal-challenge/