Just three words

The 10-day Business Book Proposal Challenge starts on Monday, and the Facebook group is already pretty busy. One of the tasks the challengers will be working on next week is creating a synopsis of their book, which is fearsome hard, so I decided to get them limbering up today by asking: ‘How are you feeling about the challenge, in 3 words only?’
Here are some of the answers.

I think this is going to be fun.

Rusty willing open ?

Daunted but excited

It’s time now

Scary but excited

Wired (extra marks for concision here)

Ready to write!

Ready for success!

Grateful and ready.

Apprehensive, braced, optimistic

Like stroppy teenager(!)

Raring to go

Motivated, excited, open

Here we go…

Terrified, Brave, Capable 😛

Nervous cautious hopeful

Curious, excited, grateful

Grateful; balancing priorities

A bit daunted