Category Archives for "BookMachine"

Old-School Publishing

Today’s blog is a trip down memory lane over at BookMachine, remembering ten things that used to be part of the daily grind for publishers that just don’t exist any more.  Ahh, I loved the smell of ozalids in the morning…

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The REAL value of business books

Today’s blog is over at BookMachine, and explores what the real value of business books is – for the publisher, and for the author. (And for the reader? That’s a whole different blog…) 

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Your book and the social web

Might online bookstores one day become passé? The social web is where we share ideas and consume content, and increasingly it’s where we purchase, too. In the Extraordinary Business Book Club podcast this week I talk to Marcus Woodburn, Vice President Digital Products at Ingram Content Group, about, their new social selling tool (Ingram was an early […]

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What if every business book were a startup?

It’s a terrible irony of nonfiction publishing that the people with the most interesting things to say are often too busy actually doing their thing to sit down and write a book about it. Business leaders are not natural writers, at least not usually. They’re often great communicators, especially on a conference stage or in […]

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