I’ve been waiting for this for years

The Magic CalendarThe great promise of e-ink is the way it can hook up our physical and digital worlds so effectively. I’ve been complaining at the universe in general for several years now that my digital calendar in all its multifaceted ever-changing compexity bears only a passing resemblance to the calender hung up on our living room wall. There’s a limit to how much you can squeeze into those wee squares, for one thing. 

Finally it seems the universe, or at least a Japanese designer named Kosho Tsuboi, has been listening. He’s created a wall-mounted e-ink calendar that syncs with your Google calendar, updates in real time, and can last 30 months on a single charge: The Magic Calendar

The video is in Japanese, but he doesn’t need to sell this to me.

It may not be the kind of technology that the big companies invest in or the gadget fans get excited about but as a working mum this is for me one of the best examples I’ve seen in a long time of innovation that can make my life better.