Category Archives for "self-development"

Inspired by Giacometti

On Wednesday I had lunch in London with a publishing friend who happens to be a member of the Tate.  ‘Have you seen the Giacometti exhibition?’ she asked. I reminded her that I live in the sticks with small(ish) children and that my cultural life ended, or at least went on hold, c.2003. She took […]

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‘I couldn’t have written a better book’

I’ve just interviewed Matt Watkinson, author of The Grid: The Decision-Making Tool for Every Business (Including Yours), for the Extraordinary Business Book Club podcast. He’s an extraordinarily nice bloke: today’s interview had to be rescheduled when my call recording tech failed last week (thankfully I realised before we’d got too far into the interview), and […]

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The ‘screw it, let’s do it’ approach

A couple of weeks ago I interviewed Practical Inspiration author Louise Wiles for the Extraordinary Business Book Club podcast. Louise was one of the winners of the first 10-day Business Book Proposal Challenge back in June 2016, but she revealed in the interview that she nearly didn’t send it in at all, even though she’d […]

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Day 300

Tonight’s run was a bit special. Firstly because it was such a beautiful evening, the sun low in a mackerel sky, the air warm with a delicious breeze. Secondly because Child 2 tagged along, cycling around me, cutting me up, telling me in detail about today’s science experiment, planning adventures for the summer, talking non-stop. […]

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Be More Zebra

Following this week’s interview with Louise Wiles, winner of the first 10-Day Business Book Proposal Challenge and now author of Thriving Abroad, published by Practical Inspiration last month, there’s been an amazing conversation going on in the Extraordinary Business Book Club Facebook group about the resistance that every one of us seems to feel, pretty […]

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Aren’t people ace?

So the official announcement about my new partnership with Bookollective was released today (here is it on their site), and I’ve been absolutely overwhelmed by the response.  So many friends and clients have taken the trouble to email me or message on Facebook or Twitter to send their congratulations and, what’s even lovelier, express their […]

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Don’t be fooled by the scarecrows

It’s Scarecrow Fortnight here in Bramley: the village is dotted with homemade scarecrows, along the grass verges, hanging off trees, propping up roadsigns, and in our case leaning dramatically from a balcony (if you have a balcony and it’s Scarecrow Fortnight, the only obvious way forward is to recreate the balcony scene from Romeo and […]

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Thoughtful thought

I’ve just seen a tweet by Extraordinary Business Book Club favourite David Taylor offering this thought for the day:  Positive thinking is not only about expecting the best to happen…. it’s also about accepting that whatever happens is for the best. So simple, but so powerful. If I decide what’s the best thing and then […]

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Be the you-shaped difference

The 10-day Business Book Proposal Challenge kicked off today, and looks like being another group full of interesting people with something significant to say: really looking forward to the next two weeks.  One business owner introduced herself but reflected on the timing of the challenge and her sense that maybe it wasn’t somehow appropriate to […]

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Don’t be the bee

It’s glorious today. My office window is wide open, and all day the cooing of wood pigeons, the rumble of trains and the rustle of the sycamore just outside have been my soundtrack. All soothing, gentle summery sounds. And then a bee got in.  It was quite tense for a while – a large bee […]

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